Dr. Nagendra did his M.A in Communication & Journalism, at University of Mysore. Awarded PhD from Mangalore University Department of Mass Communication and Journalilsm, about the research in Puttanna Kanagal films critical analysis, He is teaching at Sri Siddhartha Centre for Media Studies since September 2005. About the subject teaches in Television production, Vidiograhy, Advertising for Media, Multimedia Production, Radio Programme production, Film Communication, and Reporting and Writing..ets
Dr. Nagendra is experienced and devoted teacher. His strong academic foundation coupled with his professional experience has moulded his ability. He is extremely enthusiastic and diligent in his area of work. He has the right attitude and temperament for higher education. He possesses three years’ experience in Television Production and two years’ experience in Print Media.
He has also guided and supervised many students in their research Project and video documentary projects. At SSCMS he teaches both M.Sc Communication & M.Sc Electronic Media.
Author of Published books
Sl No. | Title of the Book (s) | Whether Sole Author or Co-author | Name of Publisher (with city/ country) | Month & year of publication on | Refereed or Non refereed | ISBN/ISSN No. |
1 | History of Radio and Programme production (English) | Sole Author | Kanishka Publishers & Distributors (New Delhi, India) | 2016 | Refereed | ISBN: 978-81-8457-699-3 |
2 | Cinema Jagttu, (Kannada) | Sole Author | Sri Channakeshava Prakashana (Tumkur, Karnataka, India) | 2017 | Refereed | ISBN: 978-81923091-9-4 |
3 | Madhyam Nirupane Language in Kannada | Sole Author | Sri Channakeshava Prakashana (Tumkur, Karnataka, India) | 2017 | Refereed | ISBN : 978-81923091-7-0 |
4 | Puttanna Knagalu films (Language in Kannada) | Sole Author | Sri Channakeshava Prakashana (Tumkur, Karnataka, India) | 2017 | Refereed | ISBN : 978-81-923091-8-7 |
5 | Madhyma Loka (Language in Kannada) | Sole Author | Sri Channakeshava Prakashana (Tumkur, Karnataka, India) | 2014 | Refereed | ISBN: 978-81-923091-4-9 |
6 | TV Vardigarike (Language in Kannada) | Sole Author | Sri Channakeshava Prakashana (Tumkur, Karnataka, India) | 2014 | Refereed | ISBN : 978-81-923091-3-2 |
7 | Dynika Vardigarike (Language in Kannada) | Sole Author | Sri Channakeshava Prakashana Tumkur, Karnataka, India | 2014 | Refereed | ISBN : 978-81-923091-2-5 |
8 | TV Madhyma (Language in Kannada) | Sole Author | Sri Channakeshava Prakashana (Tumkur, Karnataka, India) | 2013 | Refereed | ISBN : 978-81-923091-1-8 |
9 | Drusha Nirmana (Language in kannada) | Sole Author | Sri Channakeshava Prakashana (Tumkur, Karnataka, India) | 2013 | Refereed | ISBN : 978-81-923091-0-1 |
10 | Radio Dwani (Language in Kannada) | Sole Author | Sri Channakeshava Prakashana, Tumkur,Karnataka India) | 2011 | Refereed | ISBN : 978-93-5067-071-2 |
Editor of Books
Sl No. | Title of the Book (s) | Sole Author | Name of Publisher (with city/ country) | Month & year of publication on | Refereed or Non refereed | ISBN/ISSN No. |
1 | Emerging trend in Microfinance and Sustainable Social Development, EE (Language in English) | Edited Book | Sri Channakeshava Prakashana , Tumkur Karnataka | 2014 | Refereed | ISBN: 978-81923091-3-2 |
2 | Women’s wellness and Empowerment in 21th Century: Role Social Work’, (Language in English) | Sole Author | Sri Channakeshava Prakashana | 2013 | Refereed | ISBN:978-81-923091-5-6 |
Chapters contributed in edited books
Sl No. | Title of Chapter (s) | Title of theBook(s) | WhetherSoleAuthor/Co-author | Name of Publisher | Month & year of Publication on | Refereed Or No refereed | ISBN/SSN No. |
1 | Tantrajnanada Abiruddiya heje gurutu (in kannada) | Madhyama | Sole Author | Hamsaleka Music Trust, Bangalore | year 2013 | Refereed | ISBN: 978-9382357-44-5 |
2 | Media and Human Rights (English) | Gender and Human Rights:The Role of Media. | Sole Author | Prasaranga Karnataka State women’s University, Bijapur, year 2012 | year 2012 | Refereed | 978-81-924541-5-3 |
3 | Chalna Chitra Camera mattu belavanige (Kannada) | Madyam Charite | Sole Author | Annapurna publishing house, Bangalore | year 2012 | Refereed | ISBN:978-93-81410-38- 7 |
4 | Samuha Samparka Madhymavagi Television arambha(Kannada) | Madyam Charite | Sole Author | Annapurna publishing house, Bangalore | year 2012 | Referee | ISBN: 978-93-81410-38- 7 |
5 | Kannada Chitrarangda Sankshipta Itihasa | Madyam Charite | Sole Author | Annapurna publishing house, Bangalore | year 2012 | Referee | ISBN: 978-93-81410-38- 7 |
6 | Kannada Chitrarang mattu Puttanna kanagal | Madyam Charite | Sole Author | Annapurna publishing house, Bangalore | year 2012 | Referee | ISBN: 978-93-81410-38- 7 |
7 | Benglorina Akashvani Itihas | Madyam Charite | Sole Author | Annapurna publishing house, Bangalore | year 2012 | Referee | ISBN: 978-93-81410-38- 7 |
Research Articles/Papers published in Journals Periodicals Conference proceedings/Newspapers
Sl No. | Title of research article / paper(s) | Name of journal (with city/ country) | Whether Sole Author/Co-aut hor | Month & year of Publication, volume, no. & page nos. | Whether Referee/non refereed | ISBN/ISSN No. | Level(Int./Nat./State/Local) | Impact Factor |
1 | Kisanvani programme in AIR: Participation of radio for development in Hassan, Mysore, Mandy and Chamrajanagar Districts of Karnataka State-A case study | Indian Journal of Applied research , Ahmedabad- 380006 | Sole Author | 2020, Volume -10, Page-3 | Refereed | 2249-555x | International | 5.156 |
2 | Preference to FM Radio for Entertainment: Case studies in Tumkur District, Karnataka | Global Journals of Research analysis | Sole Author | July 2019 | Refereed | ISSN 2277-8160 | International | 5.156 |
3 | A Study of impact of New Media & Technology on women empowerment with special reference to Tumkur District | Communication Today, Reviewed | Sole Author | 20, NO.3 | Refereed | ISSN 0975-217X | National Journal | 2.262 |
4 | Impact of Community Radio on Society: A Case Study of ‘Radio Siddhartha | Communication Today, Review | Sole Author | 19, NO.3 | Refereed | ISSN 0975-217X | National Journal | 2.262 |
5 | Impact of Community Radio on Society: A Case Study of ‘Radio Siddhartha | International Journals of Multidisciplinary Review | Sole Author | 2.262 | Refereed | ISSN 2395-1877E-ISSN: 2395-1885 | International Journal | 2.262 |
6 | The Impact of New Media on Traditional Mainstream Mass Media | Indian Journal of Applied research , Ahmedabad- 380006 | Coauthor | January 2016 | Refereed | ISSN No 2249-555X | International Journal | 3.6241 |
7 | A Critically Analysis: Puttanna Kanagalu film | Indian Journal of Applied Research, Ahmedabad- 380006 | Sole Author | June 2015 | Refereed | ISSN – 2249-555X | International Journal | 3.6241 |
8 | Media and Gendrer | Indian Journal of Applied Research, Ahmedabad- 380006 | First author | May 2015 | Refereed | ISSN No 2249-555X | International Journal | 3.6241- |
9 | Paid News in Indian Dimension | Indian Journal of Applied Research | First author | July 2015 | Refereed | ISSN 2249 -555 X | International Journal | 3.6241 |
10 | Social media: Perspectives on threat and opportunity in Indian Democracy | Indian Journal of Applied Research, Ahmedabad- 380006 | First author | March 2015 | Refereed | ISSN – 2249-555X | International Journal | 2.1652 |
11 | Corporate Social Responsibility | Indian Journal of Applied Research, Ahmedabad- 380006 | First author | February 2015 | Refereed | ISSN No 2249-55X | International Journal | 2.1652 |
12 | Breaking News | Indian Journal of Applied Research, Ahmedabad- 380006 | First author | February 2015 | Refereed | ISSN No 224c-55X | International Journal | 2.1652 |
Conference proceedings -II | ||||||||
13 | ‘A Study on Impact of IC T on women Empowerment with special reference to Shimoga District | Sri Channakeshava Prakashana, Tumkur-05, Karnataka | First author | March 2014 | Refereed | ISBN: 978-81-923091-3-2 | National | |
14 | Women Empowerment and sustainable Development | Sri Channakeshava Prakashana | Coauthor | March 2013 | Refereed | ISBN 978-81-923091-5-6 | National | |
15 | Corporate Reputation Management: An Advertising perspective’ | Himalaya Publishing House Pvt.LTD, | Co author | Year 2013. | Refereed | ISBN; 978-93-5097-624-1 | National | |
Newspapers Articles-III | ||||||||
16 | Jagateekarnnadinda kundutiruva udyoga vakashagalu(news paper articles) | Express publication | Sole Author | September/ 29/ 2003 | Non reference | National level Kannada daily | ||
17 | Sanna kygareikeya kayalapa (kannada news paper articals) | Janavahini | Sole Author | 2003 | Non reference | National level Kannada daily | ||
18 | Senabu balsi, parisara ulisi | Suruyodaya | Sole Author | 2004 | Non reference | National level Kannada daily | ||
19 | Treadmark hondiddre saladu, kapadikolluvudu agathy kannada news paper articals) | Suruyodaya | Sole Author | 2004 | Non reference | National level Kannada daily | ||
20 | Savayava Aaharakke hechhutiruv bedike | Suruyodaya | Sole Author | 2004 | Non reference | National level Kannada daily | ||
21 | Vahan kollugarige Suggi- Vahana yathre | Suruyodaya | Sole Author | 2004 | Non reference | National level Kannada daily | ||
22 | Chidinda Samvada Aarambisalu Aants Shalege banni | Suruyodaya | Sole Author | 2005 | Nan reference | National level Kannada daily | ||
23 | Tuka mattu alte | Suruyodaya | Sole Author | 2005 | Non reference | National level Kannada daily | ||
24 | Buddana Kapilavastu elide | Suruyodaya | Sole Author | 22/5/2005 | reference | National level Kannada daily | ||
25 | Maralu rashiyamele mudad Anubhva | Prajavani, Sapthahika puravani | Sole Author | 18/1/2009 | Nan reference | National level Kannada daily | ||
26 | Kallu udyanad Kathavali | Prajavani,Sapthahika puravani | Sole Author | 15/03/2009 | National level Kannada daily | National level Kannada daily | ||
27 | Kaggadaluvinalli Kokkare Atiti | Prajavani, Sapthahika puravani | Sole Author | 12/7/2009 | Nan reference | National level Kannada daily | ||
28 | Gokarna’s famed om beach | Deccan Herald | Author | 21/7/2009 | Nan reference | National level Kannada daily | ||
29 | Gopalaswamy Betta Home to rich Wildlife | Deccan Herald | Author | 9/7/2009 | Nan reference | National level Kannada daily |
Refresher Course and Orientation Course
Sl No. | Name of Course attended | Sponsoring Institution | Duration From___to___ |
1 | General Orientation Course | UGC Academic Staff College, University of Jammu (J&K State) | 07/12/2009 to 04/01/2010 |
2 | Refresher Course | UGC Academic Staff College Bangalore University (Bangalore) | 05/01/2009 to 28/01/2009 |
Papers presented in Regional/ National and International Seminars/ Conferences.
Sl No. | Title/Subject of paper presented | Subject of Conference / Seminar / Symposium / Workshop | Organizing Institution/ and Name of City/ Country | Duration From to | Whether the proceedings publishedYes/No |
1 | Paid news culture in Indian dimension | National Conference Media and culture | NMKRV college for women , Bangalore, Karnataka | 27th March 2015. | No |
2 | A study on impact of information and communication technology on women empowerment with special reference to Shimoga District | National Conference on Emerging Trends in Microfinance and Sustainable Social development | Gurushree college of commece and social work | 15th March 2014 | Yes |
3 | Global sustainable development – an Indian perspective | International conference-Achieving sustainable global economy | Sri Krishna Degree college, Bangalore, Karnataka | 7th march 2014 | No |
4 | Corporate Communication and advertising in the age of Globalisation: An Analysis | Media in contemporary society and communifest | Sahyadri Arts College, Shimoga, Karnataka | on 28 – 29 March 2014. Karnataka | No |
5 | Women Empowerment and Sustainable Development | Women’s Wellness and Empowerment in 21th Century: Role of Social work | Gurushree college of commerce and social work, Tumkur Karnataka | National Conference on 08March 2013 | Yes |
6 | Knowledge Management & Organisation in Digital Era | International Conference Knowledge Management & organisation in Digital Era | Sri Siddha Ganga College, Tumkur Karnataka | January 17 to 19 2013 | No |
7 | Commercialization of Media & Public Service Communication | National conference Commercialization of Media & Public Service Communication, | Department of Mass Communication, Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies, Bangalore, | on 30 & 31 January 2014. | No |
8 | Social Media: Perspectives on threat and opportunities for Indian Democracy’ | National on conference Present Scenario in New Media & Indian Democracy | Karnataka Media Academy, Department of Dept of Communication & Journalism, University & Dharwad, | on 25 & 26 january 2014. | No |
9 | Breaking news and news that breaks | National conference on Scenario in TV organization | Department of Electronic Media, Karnataka University Dharwad, | on 5,6th April 2013 | No |
10 | Women empowerment and sustainable development | National conference Women’s wellness and Empowerment in 21th Century : Role of Social work | Guru shree College of Commerce and social work, Tumkur, | On 08 Mar 2013. | Yes |
11 | A critically review: Puttanna Kanagalu movies | National on conference News and views in the convergence era: challenges and opportunities, | Karnataka University, Dharwad in association with Karnataka Media Academy | on 28 & 29 January 2013 | No |
12 | Corporate Reputation Management: An Advertising perspective’ | National Conference on Innovation & Research in Commerce & Management | Sri devi Institute of Engineering & Technolog, Management Studies | on 9th November, 2012, | Yes |
13 | Kannada film Direction Management by Puttanna Kanagal: A Case Study | National Conference On Innovative Practices in Management, | Sri Siddhartha Institute of Business Management, at SSIBM, Tumkur. | On 28September, 2012 | No |
14 | Impact of Globalization on culture | International Conference on Impact of Globalization on culture | Public Relation Council Of India and Bangalore University |
No |
15 | Media and Human Right | National on Genders and human rights: The role of media’ | Karnataka State Women University, Bijapur | On March 26 & 27, 2011. | Yes |
16 | Kannada Film History and Puttanna Kanagalu | 5th national Conference on Ancient Science & Archaeology | Department of Studies and Research History Archeology and Center for Public History and Archeology, Tumkur University. | July 22 and 23, 2011. | No |
17 | Puttannkanagalu films with women importance | Media and Audience in new millennium | Dept of Communication& Journalism Karnataka University, Dharwad i | National | 27,28 February 2011 |
18 | News and views in Present Scenario | Kannada cinema and culture | Department of Journalism and Communication Mangalore University | March 30 & 31, 2008 | No |
19 | Karnataka History Congress | Puttanna kanagalu chalanachitragala Itihasika hinnale ondu vimershe | Department of History and Archeology , Tumkur Univrersity, Tumkur | February 15, 16 & 17, 2008 | No |
Participation as a Delegate/ Special Invite of Seminar and work Shop
Seminars as Delegate/ Special Invite |
1) National Seminar on ‘Human Rights and Contemporary Issues’ at Tumkur University College of Arts organized Tumkur, Karnataka. by UGC on March 29 and 30, 2012. |
2) National Seminar on ‘Community Radio-Hype or Hope’ Organized by Media Information and Communication Center of India at SSCMS, Tumkur. Karnataka. On 8 and 9 June 2007. |
Attended International Conference |
3) International Conference on “Policy, People and Peace – Democratization of Foreign policy in Parliamentary Democracies: Canada, India and Beyond” at University of Jammu, organized by Center for New Literatures, Culture and Communication in collaboration with Department of Political Science on 14-16 December 2009. Jammu & Kashmir State. |
Seminars / workshop Attended at National Level |
4) Media orientation workshop Jointly organized by University with potential project of University of Mysore, UNICEF office for AndhraPradesh, Telangana and Karnataka Theme: Children and Right to education (RTE)on 28th October 2014. |
5) Workshop attended on journalism educators at Mysore University. On 15th December 2014 Theme: Communication for development .organized by university with potential for excellence project focuses area-II, at Manasagangothri, University of Mysore. |
11) National Seminar on Research development in Computer Science and its Application, Organized by Department of Master of Computer Applications on 10th and 11 April 2014. |
6) National Conference on ‘Swami Vivekananda –An Epoch maker at Tumkur University Camus, Organised by Tumkur University and Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Ashrama, Tumkur, Karnataka on 24 April 2013. |
7) National Conference on ‘Computer Networks and Soft Computing NCNS organised by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, on 6 & 7 November, 2012, at SSIT, Tumkur. Karnataka. |
8) One day workshop on ‘Film appreciation’ at SSCMS, organised by Sri Siddhartha Center for Media Studies and Suchitra film & Cultural Academy, on April 18, 2012, at SSCMS, Tumkur. |
9) National conference on ‘Computer Networking and Soft Computing NCNS -12 Organised by the Department of Computer Science and Engeneering on 6th & 7th November, 2012. |
10) ‘National Conference on’ New media and National Development’ at Bangalore University, Karnataka. Organized by UGC. March 18 and 19, 2011. |
11) National Level Seminar on Global Economic Recession-Its Implication on Indian Economy, at Tumkur University, organized by Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), Department of Studies in Economics & Swadeshi Jagaran Manch, Kanrnataka, on September 15, 2011. |
12) National seminar on ‘Changing Trends in news Presentation in media’ at NMKRV College for women, organized by Karnataka State Journalism & Communication Teacher Association Forum for Social change, on April 10, 2010. |
13) National Seminar on ‘Role of NGOs in Empowerment of women towards sustainable Development’ at Sri Siddhartha Institute of management Studies, in Collaboration with Karnataka State Commission for Women, Bangalore, and Karnataka on March 13, 2010. |
14) National Seminar on Contemporary Kannada Literature, organized by Information Department of Karnataka, SSCMS, Tumkur, Karnataka. On July 22& 24, 2006. |
15) International Seminar on Integrated International Public |
Relation organized by Public Relation Council of India, at Hyderabad, on August 5& 6, 2005. |
16) National Seminar on Print Journalism in India in the New Millennium, St. Philomena’s Degree College, Mysore, Karnataka. on February 13, 2002 |
Memberships of University Bodies/other organization
SI No | University/Organization/Institute | Nature of Association | Period |
1 | Tumkur University | BOS Member | 2020 |
2 | University Mysore (JSS) | BOS Member | 2017-19 |
3 | Tumkur University | Member BOE | 2018 |
4 | Tumkur University | Member BOE | 2017 |
5 | University Mysore | BOE Member | 2016 |
6 | Tumkur University | Chairman of BOE | 2016 |
7 | Tumkur University | Chairman of BOE | 2015 |
8 | Tumkur University | Member BOE | 2014 |
9 | Tumkur University | Member BOE | 2013 |
10 | Tumkur University | Member BOE | 2012 |
11 | Symbiosis University | Member BOE | 2009 |
Other activity
- Conducted Community radio interview from community radio 90.8 fm sixty episode (Radio Siddhartha, Tumkur) famous Psychiatrist Dr. Lokeshbabu in year of 2010 /11.
- Supervising and guiding students for more than 200 documentary films production, question paper setting, universities paper evolutions and cultural activities of students to guide.
- As a freelancer I have written more than 200 articles, features stories in more than 30 newspapers and magazines published in Kannada, English.
- I have assisted two research projects of Bangalore University.
- I have worked as a sub-editor-cum-reporter for three years in suryodaya, janavahin, mahanandi a Kannada daily.
- Participating: As a event computation judges so many institute.
- PG Custodian: Worked as Deputy Custodian at Tumkur University 2005/2006
- Vijayavani National Education Leadership Award best teacher in Mass Communication from www.bschoolaffair.com held at Vivanta by Taj, Yeshantpur Bangaluru. On 12 September, 2015.
- Dr.H.Narasimhaiah’ Awarded from Kannada Sahithya Parishat, as Educationist and Scientist for ‘Radio Dwani’ Kannada Book on July 11, 2012.